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Matrix Member List
This is the complete list of members for Matrix, including all inherited members.
- cols
- data (defined in PackTable)
- destroy()
- end enum value (defined in Matrix)
- get(int row, int col) const
- get(int row, int col)
- insertColumn(int cols) (defined in Matrix)
- iters enum name (defined in Matrix)
- joinHorizontal(const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b) (defined in Matrix)
- joinVertical(const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b) (defined in Matrix)
- load(const String &filename)
- load(FILE *in)
- make(int rs, int cs)
[inline, virtual]
- Matrix() (defined in Matrix)
- Matrix(int rows, int cols) (defined in Matrix)
- Matrix(const Matrix &o) (defined in Matrix)
- multiplyToSum(double s) (defined in Matrix)
- operator *(const Matrix &other) const (defined in Matrix)
- operator *(double k) const (defined in Matrix)
- operator *=(const Matrix &other) (defined in Matrix)
- operator *=(double k) (defined in Matrix)
- operator+(const Matrix &other) const (defined in Matrix)
- operator+(double k) const (defined in Matrix)
- operator+=(const Matrix &other) (defined in Matrix)
- operator+=(double k) (defined in Matrix)
- operator/(double k) const (defined in Matrix)
- operator/=(double k) (defined in Matrix)
- operator=(double x) (defined in Matrix)
- operator=(const Matrix &other) (defined in Matrix)
- operator>>(OStream &out) const
- PackTable()
- PackTable(int rs, int cs)
- PackTable(const PackTable &orig, bool deep=false)
- rows
- save(FILE *out) const (defined in Matrix)
- splitHorizontal(Matrix &a, Matrix &b, int column) const (defined in Matrix)
- splitVertical(Matrix &a, Matrix &b, int column) const (defined in Matrix)
- sub(int row0, int row1, int col0, int col1) const (defined in Matrix)
- sum() const (defined in Matrix)
- transpose() (defined in Matrix)
- ~Matrix() (defined in Matrix)
- ~PackTable() (defined in PackTable)
Generated at Tue Dec 4 19:53:31 2001 for MagiC++ by
1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001